Hello Magnolia families!


Here we are, at the end of week 2! You made it. We know that this week was pretty tough for many kids. We are sending out the biggest hugs to all of the Magnolias and all of you. Today, our videos and activities attempt to address and help children process the big feelings that might be coming up. Here is the doc version.

Morning meeting: Join Teacher Rachel (and Slinko!) for a talk about feelings.

  • Please note: As a warning, this video explicitly discusses the hard feelings kids might be feeling right now (fear, sadness, feelings of loss, feelings of uncertainty, etc.) Think about when the right time might be to watch it, because it could bring up hard feelings and kids might need some time to emotionally debrief after. This might be best to watch during a moment when your child is feeling down and might want some help processing. Here’s our feelings list, if you want to look at it with your child.


Storytime: Teacher Patricia sings “Mary Had A Little Lamb” with a felt board!


An activity: Read this social story “When School Is Closed” together. This is a pretty concrete, simple, and short story about why we’re staying home and the feelings associated with everything that’s happening. It might be a good jumping-off point for a conversation between you and your child. It was written by a teacher at Bank Street (where Rachel goes to graduate school, but which also has a nursery-8th grade school attached.)


Screen Time activity: Big Feelings Song from Sesame Street. This song was originally about big feelings around divorce, but the song rings true for big feelings about anything — especially about what’s happening right now.

We will be sending out another email later about sending Share and Tell videos this weekend. Part of our weekly schedule will be having a Share and Tell video every Monday (just like school!), so every weekend we will be asking you for a short clip.


Sending you well wishes for this weekend,

Rachel Ford and Patricia Houston