Support the Children’s Community School
The income we receive from tuition is not enough on its own to cover the costs of running our high quality center. In 2021-22 we anticipate a $102,000 gap between the tuition we will receive and the cost of operating the school—a gap that will need to be made up through donations, grants, and other kinds of income.
Ways to Support CCS
Automatic Recurring Donation
Security Deposit Donations
Most families pay a security deposit, which is returned after their child graduates. Many departing families choose to donate their security deposits back to the school their children have loved. Departing families are contacted to see if they are interested in making this tax-deductible donation.
Email for volunteer opportunities
Step by step, the longest march can be won, can be won
Many stones can form an arch, singly none, singly none
And by union what we will
Can be accomplished still
Drops of water turn a mill, singly none, singly none.
—“Step by Step,” Sweet Honey in the Rock