Dear CCS Summer Club,
I am Teacher Tyler and I have been in the Redbud room for the past two years. I am excited to share a book with you about emotions and how we express them. Kids (and adults) are having many big emotions right now and it is so important for kids to know that they can talk about them openly. We can have every feeling and it is ok! Talking with adults about feelings is crucial for children to learn to name their emotions and practice self-regulation. I hope that the video and activities inspire many conversations and of course, silly faces.
Making faces with food
Talking about emotions doesn’t have to be a scheduled event. You can even do it at snack time. Did your child have a hard morning? Ask them to make a face with their snack food to show how they are feeling now and earlier in the day. Ask them why they were feeling that way and just listen to what they have to say. Practice making different faces and talk about the emotions they represent. This activity is great for all ages, even adults!
Discuss how characters in books are feeling
When you are reading books with your child, notice how the characters are feeling and show empathy for them . For example, “I see that their face looks sad, why do you think they feel sad?” Or ask your child “Look at his face. How do you think he is feeling?” “I notice that she’s clenching her fists and her shoulders are high. What does that tell you about her feelings?” “How would you feel if that happened to you?” Seeing adults model empathy is an important way children learn to process and be aware of their own and others’ emotions.
Teacher Tyler