Hi families! We hope you were able to get some rest this weekend. Please be on the lookout today for an email about silkworms (either one confirming that you’re opting out of receiving eggs or one telling you about drop-off logistics!)
Morning meeting: Join Teacher Rachel for Share and Tell! And check out these photos of Huixue and Anji building a fairy house with really big sticks.
One-on-ones: Today, we are continuing our Monday one-on-one calls — you should have gotten an email yesterday evening with a Zoom link for your child’s call.
Arts and crafts activity: Make a calming rainstick. This is a fun project which will produce something hopefully useful for helping kids wind down to the gentle sounds of rain.
You will need: an aluminum foil roll, aluminum foil, rice, paper, tape (+ paint/markers/decorations)
Decorate the aluminum foil roll with paint, markers, or whatever you have!
Squish aluminum foil into a long, skinny wire and coil it into a spiral. Make another, but slightly bigger.
Put the small coil into the bigger coil.
Put the two coils inside of the decorated roll
Cover the bottom with sturdy paper (securing with lots of tape)
Put in ¼ cup of dried rice
Cover the top the same as the bottom
Tada! Try it out! Does it sound like rain? Can you use it to make music? Can you use it as a calming tool?
For parents: Child Mind Institute Facebook Live. Child Mind Institute offers video sessions where clinicians answer parent questions live, twice a day. Check it out here. They also have recordings of their past sessions, with topics ranging from managing screentime, to mindfulness, to grief, to managing your anger and frustration. Some are geared towards parents of older kids, but many apply to a wide range of ages.