Hi families! Here are our videos and activities for today:

Nature/silkworm journals: Writing. There are a few ways to write with your child!

  • Often, we have children sound out the letters of the word, but are not concerned with correct spelling. Kids will learn spelling later in school, right now they’re learning how to hear sounds and connect sounds to letters.

  • They might hear the “S” “K” and “M” in “silkworm”. That’s great! That means they’re hearing those letters! You can walk them through the words, exaggerating the sounds and working to identify letters together.

  • You can demonstrate a letter on another piece of paper or even have your child practice the letter before writing it in their journal.

  • When trying to write long sentences or stories, you can write for them and have them dictate to you. Transforming their ideas into spoken sentences into written sentences is foundational for their emerging writing skills!


A note on silkworms: We will be checking in with everyone in a couple days to tally up how many silkworms everyone has and then redistributing if need be, especially to families who might only have a few or who haven’t had theirs hatch. If you have more than 20, we are happy to take them off your hands and potentially give them to other families in the school (more than 20 will be a lot to care for when they get bigger.) More on that to come!


See you at small group Zoom!


Rachel Ford and Patricia Houston