Welcome to school at home on this lovely Wednesday! If it is easier for you to look at in the form of a Google Doc, here it is. Today, instead of a morning meeting, we have a video of Rachel talking to your child about coronavirus and social distancing. 

 Read aloud: Teacher Patricia reads The Little Engine That Could 


An activity to do today: Watch Teacher Rachel sing the  Slippery Fish song in Spanish. You can sing along, try to learn the words, and maybe even take a video of your family singing the Slippery Fish song or singing another song you enjoy!  

An activity to do today: Answer the question, “Do you like camping?” on this poll. If you want, you can also send in a video of your child answering the question! If your child also has a question they want to ask the class, feel free to send it in as well. 

An activity to do today: Movement videos! Try out this yoga class for kids (it’s about half an hour long.) It’s calming and engages their bodies (hopefully, while you get some work done!) If your kid needs to get their energy out with some dancing, try out the banana boogie or drip drop rain

For parents: Make sure you join the Slack page! Click here for the invite. Slack can be a place for us to talk, share resources, and connect as a community. Check out Jarrod’s email from yesterday, “Join CCS on Slack!” for more information. 


We are sending so much love to you and your children right now. As always, please reach out with any questions, updates, ideas, worries, concerns, or problems that we can solve together. 



Rachel Ford and Patricia Houston