Hi families!
We hope you were able to find some moments of relaxation this weekend! We want to remind you that we have a document with all of our videos and activities — remember that you can always revisit activities that you’ve done before and that you certainly do not have to do all the activities we send on the day we send them. We are giving suggestions and we want you to use everything in the way that works for you.
Morning meeting: Join Teacher Rachel for Share and Tell! If your child has any reactions or questions about what anyone shared, consider sending an email or letter to them to let them know!
One-on-ones: Today, we are continuing our Monday one-on-one calls — you should have gotten an email yesterday evening with a Zoom link for your child’s call.
An activity: Fill out a survey for Wilder! Wilder and his family found an abandoned PGW sign and are trying to figure out what to do with it! Take a look at the survey with your child and help brainstorm some ideas!
Building challenge: Tunnels! In his Share and Tell video, Charlie showed a structure he made with a tunnel going through the bottom. Challenge your child to make a tunnel with whatever building supplies you have! You can build with: legos, magnatiles, blocks, sticks, rocks, tin cans, cardboard, popsicle sticks, cups, shells, clothespins…almost any material can be a building material!