Hi families! Here are our activities and links for today:
A math activity: Shape puzzles! Cut out triangles, squares, and rectangles from paper. Invite your child to put the shapes together to create new shapes.
“Can you use two triangles to create a square? How about two triangles to make a bigger triangle?”
Take it to the next level to see which of these shapes can be placed together to make a trapezoid.
Let your child just explore different “big shapes” they can make with the shapes!
Your child can outline their “big shapes”, take the smaller shapes away, and then have you try to fill it in as a puzzle with the smaller shapes (and then switch roles!)
A note on silkworms: Sometimes, silkworms will not eat for 1-3 days, get very still, and put their heads up. This is something they do when they’re molting! They’re okay, just shedding off some too-tight skin so they can keep growing!
*** Please remember to provide your silkworms with fresh mulberry leaves 2 times a day! ***
And here are some more locations of mulberry trees:
Northwest corner of 50th and Warrington
Middle of 4500 block of Chester Ave, north side
Outside of 4608 Chester Ave
For parents: In case you missed it. Here are two videos from Rachel and Patricia for you!