Hi families,

News: It was so lovely to see many of you on Friday’s zoom call! We felt like it went more smoothly than it’s gone in the past, but as always, please let us know what your needs are around the call.

Thinking of Governor Wolf’s announcement of school closures, as well as Naima’s email, we want to acknowledge the degree of uncertainty we are all navigating right now. We should know more about our positions later this week, and will continue to do our best to support you during this time.

 If you haven’t already, please take some time to fill out this survey about your needs for curriculum during this time: https://s.surveyplanet.com/pD19HfliA

Teacher Katelyn talks about sewing and why people are wearing facemasks: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDIYx9SYNqI&feature=youtu.be


Today’s activity: On rainy days like today, you can make a prediction game with your child. Set out cups and other containers of various sizes in your yard or on your stoop and let them collect rainwater. You and your child can make a guess about how much the cups will fill with water based on their size.

You can incorporate math concepts by creating a chart where you tally up which cups became all the way full, which cups became partly full and which remained empty.



Oak Teachers