Hello families!


News: Today is Juneteeth! You can learn more about Juneteenth and how folks are celebrating in Philadelphia here. Also, we will be returning childrens’ clothes and artwork on Tuesday the 23rd from 11:30am-3pm! Please come by CCS for a socially distanced hello and to pick up your items. Be in touch if you cannot make this date—we should be able to work something else out.


Patterns Week 6: Using positional language in a variety of contexts (building, songs, puzzles) to deepen spatial awareness in the context of our pattern exploration. 

Activity: Using follow along songs are a great way to join in the fun of descriptive language without having to lead play. Check out our playlist of songs including great follow along ones like “Listen and Move” or “Yoga Clock”. 

Video: In our Zoom call today, we will be dancing to the follow-along song “Listen and Move”!


Oak Teachers