Hello families!

News: See you on our whole class Zoom call

Our videos will shift towards an interactive version of the activities we describe in the email:

  • On Monday’s and Friday’s, we will demonstrate a pattern activity on the zoom call.

  •  Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, we will send a video demonstrating a pattern activity.


With this age group, especially virtually, repetition and consistency are really important to solidify skills!

We will be repeating, and you can too!

Patterns Week 1: 

Focuses for the week:

  • Using descriptive language with children, exposing them to words describing size, shape, color, weight, texture, flavor, etc.

  • Skill we will be focusing on this week: Sorting by single attribute

Activity: Sorting by color: gather similar objects (we will be using counting bears) and sort them by a color and not the color (ex. Red and not red)


Oak Teachers