Hello families!

News: Morris Home is the first residential recovery program in the country to offer comprehensive services specifically for trans- and gender non-conforming individuals. It is also in West Philadelphia. This fundraiser is a great way to support our community mourning the death of Dominique Fells amid the larger uprising. Morris Home has also asked for craft supplies and flowers that can be dropped off no contact at the residence

Patterns Week 6: Using positional language in a variety of contexts (building, songs, puzzles) to deepen spatial awareness in the context of our pattern exploration. 

Activity: Cleaning up can be a struggle, and making it a game can sometimes help it be more fun for everyone! Use descriptive and positional language (“on top of,” “underneath,” “next to,” etc.) while you clean up with your child, or pretend to be the ‘kid’ while your child tells you what to do.

Video: In today’s video, Teacher Maddie shares a clean up story with puppets, asking Oaksters to use positional and descriptive language while they clean up!

Oak Teachers