Hello, Redbud families! I hope you’re all of sound bodies, sound minds, and sound hearts.
Today’s teacher message is somewhat silly–and who couldn’t use a little bit of laughter right now? This time, Sock the hand puppet and I sing a song that’s an old Redbud favorite: Willoghby Wallaby. It’s a language game where the initial letter of an object, or a name as we traditionally do, is changed to a W. Singing this song is a great way to share some giggles with your little one, not to mention a fun way to practice the foundational early literacy skill of isolating sounds in words. https://youtu.be/ D2t8PkAN-00
Today’s suggested activities are:
- Have you been able to stay in touch with friends and family during this time? A fun way to do this could be to set up a joint dance party! Take turns choosing music, and dance with your Redbud and the folks on the other side!
- Do you have a space in your home that is exclusively dedicated to relaxation and calm? This suggestion has been made already by multiple CCS staff members, and I am repeating it because it’s just that useful! As we all continue to seek ways to make being homebound work for us, having a space that is just for feeling calm and cozy can help children (and adults alike!) reorganize and center themselves. For a Redbud kid, this could look like a small corner space adorned with pillows and blankets, a listening center for enjoying soft and evenly-paced music, puzzles, familiar board books, soft lighting, stuffed animals, paper and crayons, etc. There as many ways to set up such a space as there are people! Collaborate with your child to set up a “cozy corner” for them, and consider creating one for yourself as well!
We Redbud teachers are thinking of all of you, and holding you all close (metaphorically speaking, of course!). Get some fresh air, take some slow breaths, have a bite of something delicious. We’re all doing what we can, we’re doing our best, and we’re doing an amazing job. Never forget that.
Take care of yourselves, everyone! Love,
-Naima for Team Redbud