Good morning, Everyone!
As we move through the last week of the school year, I just want to say again how grateful I am to all of you. It has been a pleasure teaching your children and getting to know each family. I hope to see many of you this fall, but, no matter what your plans are, feel free to reach out this summer – I’d love to hear what your Redbud is up to!
Teacher Message:
In this video, I read a homemade book talking about summer, and the transition into summer break. I also briefly discuss the coming fall, and I wanted to let you know the language I’m using in the video to discuss that, in case questions come up for your child. Here is the text from that page: “When summer is over, it will be fall. Some children might go back to school at CCS in the Redbud room or another room. Some children might go to a different school. Some children might stay at their home or another home where a grown up will take care of them. Each family will decide what works best for them.”
Activity: Make a picture of something your family will do over the summer.
In the above video, I talk about the upcoming transition in the form of a story. This is a common tool we use at CCS to help reinforce children’s understanding of changes that are occurring or new routines. You may want to talk with your child about what your summer plans are (even simple plans like wearing sandals or eating popsicles on the porch) and make a picture with them. Hanging the picture where your child can see it, or putting it on their bookshelf, will give them an opportunity to go back and remember the conversation. When it gets closer to fall, you can make a new picture or book with details about how your schedule and activities will change.
Happening this Week:
Redbud Class Zoom – Wednesday, June 24 at 11:00
Join us for a group Zoom to say a special goodbye for the summer to our Redbud friends. The Redbud teachers will be sharing some favorite songs and a story.
Here’s the link:
Meeting ID: 890 1988 4131
CCS Online Event – Thursday, June 25 at Noon
Join families from the whole school for an online event to mark the end of the school year.
End of Year Project: Make a Crown with Natural Materials
We have a tradition of making crowns for the end of the year Graduation celebration. We would like to ask families to help their Redbud make a paper crown and decorate it with natural materials (flowers, leaves, even twigs). We’d also ask that you send us a picture of your child wearing the crown (or another recent picture), so we can include it in a slideshow. And please wear the crown for the event on June 25!