Magnolia Classroom Connection-Tuesday 6/3

Hi families! Here are our videos and activity for today:   We have transitioned to sending out our weekly activities on Sunday evening, although today is a bit of an exception. Here is the document with our activities for this week.   Morning meeting: Join Teacher Patricia and Teacher Rachel to learn how to make [...]

By |2020-06-04T15:13:21+00:00June 4th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom Connection-Tuesday 6/3

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Tuesday 6/2

Hi families! We hope you are all taking care during this time. Please reach out if you need anything. We have transitioned to sending out our weekly activities on Sunday evening. Here is the document with our activities for this week.    BY NOON TODAY: Please fill out this survey if you want delivery of [...]

By |2020-06-02T17:02:08+00:00June 2nd, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Tuesday 6/2

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/1

Hi families!   We have transitioned to sending out our weekly activities on Sunday evening. Here is the document with our activities for this week.    Morning meeting: PLEASE READ BEFORE WATCHING: The final part of the video includes Calvin posting protest signs and talks about “police hurting people with brown skin”. There is a [...]

By |2020-06-01T16:10:31+00:00June 1st, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/1

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/1

Hello Magnolia families,   For the rest of the school year, we will be sending you the activities for the week in one email/document on the Sunday evening before the start of the week. We will continue sending daily emails with videos and zoom links.   Remember, use this as it is useful to you! [...]

By |2020-06-01T15:56:35+00:00June 1st, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Monday 6/1

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Friday 5/29

Hi families! Here are our activities and videos for today:   NEWS: Starting next week (i.e. this coming Sunday), we will be sending you the activities for the week in one email/document on the Sunday evening before the start of the week. In our family surveys, many families said they would like more time to [...]

By |2020-05-29T15:02:28+00:00May 29th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Friday 5/29

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Thursday 5/28

Hi families! Here are our videos and activities for today: Teacher video: Join Teacher Patricia as she plays "Bug In The Rug" with her soft toy friends. She reminds Magnolia kids how to play the game.   Looking at pictures from school: Here are some pictures of us playing bug in the rug at school. [...]

By |2020-05-28T15:13:04+00:00May 28th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Thursday 5/28

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Wednesday 5/27

Hi families! Here are our videos and activities for today:   Morning meeting: Join Teacher Patricia for morning meeting! She sings a counting song “Alligator On The Elevator” and connects the song to written numerals.   Activity: Building and counting along with Teacher Patricia’s song. Grab some blocks, legos, or anything else stackable and challenge [...]

By |2020-05-28T14:08:54+00:00May 28th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Wednesday 5/27

Magnolia Classroom at Home- Tuesday 5/26

Hi families! Here are our activities and links for today: Share and Tell: See email from Teacher Rachel for Share and Tell.   Making forts: You can make the fort Calvin made (“Castle”) for his share and tell by following this diagram from IKEA (thanks for sharing, Carrie!) Questions to ask before and before/while building: [...]

By |2020-05-26T13:46:25+00:00May 26th, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home- Tuesday 5/26

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Friday 5/22

Hi families! Here are our activities and videos for today:   Singing: Teacher Rachel sings "There Are Many Ways To Say I Love You". What are some ways that you and your child express love to each other? How can we express love to people who are far away?   Activities for transitions. Today’s parent [...]

By |2020-05-22T14:39:30+00:00May 22nd, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Friday 5/22

Magnolia Classroom at Home-Thursday 5/21

Hi families! Here are our videos and activities for today:   Singing: Join Teacher Patricia for some singing and talking about feelings! She talks about dealing with frustration, disappointment, and sadness by thinking about what she’s thankful for and sings “Thanks A Lot” by Raffi.   Decorating silkworm box: Join Teacher Rachel as she decorates [...]

By |2020-05-21T15:38:46+00:00May 21st, 2020|Magnolia Classroom|Comments Off on Magnolia Classroom at Home-Thursday 5/21
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